Sunday, October 26, 2008

Great book!

Ok, I just finished reading a book that has changed my life. yes, you read that right....changed my life. If you have not read the book Bonds that Make Us Free by C. Terry Warner, you are missing out. It has helped me immensely. It has changed my perceptions, the way I love, my outlook, my understanding, the way i treat others.....everything. I am recommending this book to anyone who wants to enhance their relationships, whether it be with a spouse, children, friends or just neighbors/strangers. awesome read. Enjoy!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

New glasses

Feel free to opine.....(please be at least somewhat nice!!). Also, just ignore the backgrounds - I am not a professional, as you can see :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Only in the great white north...

I like to go walking daily despite the below-freezing temperatures lately. So on this walk along Campbell Creek, there is a beautiful lake. This week I noticed a new sign put up..... Thin Ice - Don't Swim! Am I the only wimp who finds this an amazing sign? the lake is indeed frozen over - so for those of you who wanted to come up here and swim in the frozen lake, you're out of luck! I think i'm ok with the prohibition :).